Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chocolate for me?!

Happy belated Valentine's Day!

I know, I know.  "It's just a Hallmark holiday."  Right?  Well, that may be, but you can't tell me you don't enjoy being gifted one of those crimson, red ribbon wrapped, heart shaped boxes of decadent chocolate... and if you can, I'm not sure we can be friends anymore.  Kidding... kind of. 

Well, I don't know about you, but my family has spent the better part of February ill with the dreaded flu.  Yuck.  I finally started feeling more human yesterday, the BIG day, but still not completely 100%.  Considering I've been home from work all week, I've spent many an hour on Pinterest and stumbled across the lovely blog, Henry Happened, and discovered her Homemade Chocolate Milk Bath recipe.  Oh wow.  You have no idea what you're missing here, people.  (please excuse the low quality phone photos... my Nikon is needing batteries!)

As my wonderful hubby distracted the kiddo, I got to try it out for myself.  I made a little larger of a batch than what her recipe called for, because the pouch of milk powder I had equaled out to about 1 1/2 cups.  This isn't a recipe that is difficult to increase.  I added an extra tablespoon of cocoa powder and an extra half tablespoon of cornstarch.  I climbed the stairs to my bathroom, lit a candle and ran the bathwater, nice and hot (but not too hot!)  After my tub was full, I added half the batch as well as a few drops of peppermint essential oil (who doesn't love the combo of chocolate and mint?!) and gently stirred it all together with my tootsies. 

 Looks like I'm bathing in hot cocoa, right?!

Immediately, I could feel my dry, dehydrated skin softening right up.  It was positively love at first dip!  While I soaked, I also pampered my body with a peppermint sugar salt scrub that I was gifted by a dear friend, a facial with my lavender brown sugar scrub and a nice raw honey cleanse. 

Notice the empty jar of lavender sugar scrub... expect a blog post for that soon!

Albeit to say, I'm feeling MUCH better today... and I've determined to believe that it's a direct result of the chocolate and sugar!  Which leads me to believe I shouldn't start that diet afterall.... ha! 


  1. ah that looks divine!!! I would LOVE to try that. maybe one of these days I will have the time. thank you for sharing!!

    1. You're so welcome! You should totally take an hour to yourself and do this. It's too easy to make not to! I'm going to post about my chocolate oatmeal facial mask soon, too. Best way to get my chocolate fix without it going to my hips. ;)

  2. I now have a great reason to keep powdered milk in my house!


    1. I bought it to make hot cocoa mix (without all the yucky preservatives) and had one pouch left over... guess it's time to get some more! :) This was my first time taking a "milk bath" and I'm not even kidding... it was heavenly.
